ANSWER: I never noticed until I saw this video that there was such an overload of advertisements. For example the only Time Square I have ever seen is the one covered in , television screens, posters, and billboards. I feel that maybe advertisers are going overboard, but it is difficult for companies not to when all the other competitors are. I know that as time continues advertising will just keep growing, and new ways to sell and persuade consumers to buy companies products or ideas will increase greatly. 20 to 30 years ago advertising was not that advanced or as strong as it is today, and I feel in the next 20 to 30 years it will only progress. Seeing pictures of New York City's Time Square from the early 1900s, it looks completely different, from the Time Square I know. One could probably count on both hands the amount of the advertisement one sees.

QUESTION: Where are things headed in the future? What are some possible scenarios that could play out as far as the direction that future persuaders may take their marketing techniques.
ANSWER: I feel like companies that want to try to sell and persuade their products are going to run out of public space in the future. They may start to build buildings just for advertising space to sell their product or idea. Eventually it could possibly spread to paying owners of private property to advertise signs. For example having signs on one's lawn to advertise a person running for an office, or advertising the alarm system one may use. Why can't they advertise the cell phone service they use if their offered money to do it. Advertising may actual take over small towns like they do in popularized city. Maybe jerseys of athletes in different sports maybe printed on with advertisements like NASCAR does. Only time can tell